The Weekly Bookmark April 19, 1996 - Vol 2, No. 20 __________________________________________________________ Table of Contents On My End - Note from the Editor Supporters of the Weekly Bookmark Out There - Places to Visit Weekly Bookmark Information Meet The Staff - Contact Info __________________________________________________________ On My End Matt Alberts I have returned after a few weeks of. I enjoyed my vacation, and I would like to thank those that wished me a good one. Things are winding down for a good summer of work with the HelpWeb, the Weekly Bookmark, and WBAds. Some of my plans include a FAQ and improved navigation through the web pages. Coming up in the next few weeks will be a coupole of articles from our staff. Marian Hank is diligently working on an article and should have it completed for you in the next week or so. I am still researching a few topics for my article. Look for these in the next month or so. The Weekly Bookmark should be showing up on time in your mailboxes from now on.'s mail server was running low on memory causing a large backup processing some of the postings. Those problems have been solved and everything should be back to normal. Enjoy this issue of the Weekly Bookmark. __________________________________________________________ Supporters Imaginary Landscape Hand Woven Web Sites It All Begins With Your Ideas __________________________________________________________ Out There Art, Humanities, and Music enter the eclectic web... Offers online and printed resources for writing, editing, graphic design, desktop publishing, electronic publishing, and Internet marketing. Also includes online resources for bicyclists, a photographic tour of the University of Arizona's astronomy camp, and exhibits of Retallick's graphic design and photographic work. URL: This site is ? Submitted By: Martha J. Retallick Rancho DeNada Rancho DeNada has been online since 3/15/96. We feature original songs by unsigned South Texas songwriters, we have a Cybrary that features guest writers, we have The Sports Dog (the only Golden Retriever in the world to have his own sports column on the WWW), we have record reviews and much, much more. URL: This site is contains formatting that does not interfere with browsing of the site. Submitted By: Kent Newsome General Music 101 General Music 101 is a basic Music "history" and theory information site. URL: This site is was designed with tables and frames which eliminated nearly 50% of all people from viewing this site. Submitted By: Bruce Selzler Entertainment UK National Lottery A great source of information regarding all aspects of the UK National Lottery. An unofficial site, which contains an enormous amount of information, and is updated at least on a weekly basis. URL: This site is ? Submitted By: Donald Eastwood 101 Hollywood Blvd Multimedia site about six film students have a comical time making a serious movie. URL: This site is contains formatting that does not interfere with browsing of the site. Submitted By: Steve Merlin Government and Politics NC Dems NC Dems is home for North Carolina Democrats on the Web. We offer information concering Democratic activity in our state, links to county organizations and political candidates and a full range of Internet services. Visit NC Dems for all you Democratic politcal needs in North Carolina. URL: This site is ? Submitted By: Randy D McCracken Zychik Chronicle Some political sites are informative. Some are opinionated. Mine is very, very opinionated. I'll let the site do the rest of the talking, so to speak. URL: This site is was designed with tables and frames which eliminated nearly 50% of all people from viewing this site. Submitted By: Joe Zychik CONSER (Cooperative Online Serials) Program Along with the creation of these home pages, _CONSERline_ issues for 1996 are now available in HTML format via the World-Wide Web. Issues for 1994-1995 can be accessed via the _CONSERline_ home page which links to back issues on the gopher server, LC MARVEL. We will continue to publish _CONSERline_ in ASCII format and distribute issues via email through listserv software, in addition to making the HTML version available on LCWeb. On the CONSER Program home page you'll also find general information about the program, the current _Annual Report_, and documents on serials cataloging issues in HTML format. Updated guidelines for cataloging remote access serials (e.g., electronic journals) are available via the home page. New CONSER record requirements, including the seven new core records for special format serials, are included as well. The program home page includes links to catalogs available on the Internet, serials collections online, and other Internet cataloging services. The final section lists email addresses for asking questions or identifying problems relating to serials cataloging or CONSER records. The "mailto" link is included here to automatically generate email messages provided your Web browser can accommodate. Additional information and links are planned as well, including a section on CONSER Task Forces with information about all active efforts. More links to catalogs available on the Internet are also planned as we are able to support a more focused approach with more direct links to individual catalogs. URL: This site is contains formatting that does not interfere with browsing of the site. Submitted By: Bill Anderson - via Net Happenings Internet and the WWW Web Development Resources A list of the most useful resources for web page developers arranged by category. All developers are catered for with resources for beginners, graphical developers, CGI programmers, Java, and advanced HTML. URL: This site is contains formatting that does not interfere with browsing of the site. Submitted By: eBORcOM SITEGUIDE (TM) Announcing SITEGUIDE (tm) at How do you find the best new or improved websites tired of endless lists? Its official - the Web is now an electronic jungle save your precious time and let us sniff out the good stuff SITEGUIDE is an 'editorial,' an opinion, an exercise in taste. There are no boundaries in subject matter though sites covering narrow, specialised fields of interest should be presented in a way that opens that field to the wider audience. URL: This site is was designed with tables and frames which eliminated nearly 50% of all people from viewing this site. Submitted By: Derek Ruttle InterAct'96, The First Virtual Conference It's not just another conference! It's the first truly virtual conference where nobody has to travel. Not the speakers, not the attendees. InterAct'96 will consist of two main sections, a conference section and an exhibit section. For the conference section we are pre-recording introductory comments from speakers and putting those up on the web in streaming audio (ToolVox from Voxware) and streaming video (VDOlive from VDOnet). Speakers then participate in moderated chat sessions during the conference that will take place from April 23-25, 1996. We have quite an eclectic list of speakers so far, which includes Esther Dyson, Shikhar Gosh, Eric Schmidt, Klaus Besier, David Gobel, John Patrick, Howard Anderson, G.M. O'Connell, Marleen McDaniel, Ted Leonsis, Stewart Alsop, Nat Borenstein, Daniel Lynch, Mark Stahlman, Pavel Curtis and many many more. You can check for the latest list at We are also having a virtual trade show where exhibitors are displaying their goods and services in vrml worlds and where attendees can interact though Avatars. Companies that signed up so far are Time Magazine, InfoWorld, Stratus, NetScape, Digital Equipment, Cascade, Voxware, BSDI, Balcksun, VDOnet, The Yankee Group, Cornell University, White Pine, Utopia, Gina, Javaworld and JARS. URL: This site is contains tables and frames but is nice enough to provide an alternative set of pages. Submitted By: Francois Gossieaux Small Business Friendly - The New Standard for Business on the Net The Small Business Friendly program is a non-profit service/Web site dedicated to seeking out reliable business resources, primarily for small, home-based, and niche businesses, on the World Wide Web and Internet. Sites are nominated for Membership, which is free, by visitors to our site. Those sites are then evaluated by a panel of Judges, made up of volunteers from a diverse cross-section of fields. Sites selected as Members can display the SBF seal on their Web sites, and will be included in the list of Members. Member sites can also be nominated for Users' Choice Site of the Week awards, which will denote companies or resources that offer particularly valuable services or information. We are now accepting nominations for Members, and rely on word of mouth for nominations and visibility. URL: This site is contains tables and frames but is nice enough to provide an alternative set of pages. Submitted By: Paul Shivery, III News Lead Story Lead Story is a unique new Web news source that saves people time searching the Web by providing a complete picture of one major business or general news story every day. Lead Story's editors find the best news and information resources available on the Web and bring them together in a single, convenient location to provide the most complete picture possible. Lead Story combines all the news, analysis, background information, opinion and commentary about the story, with links to dozens of other news sources. You can get a complete picture of an issue -- all biases and perspectives -- at a glance, without endlessly trolling through individual media sites to find the information. Lead Story is the first of a series of Web-based from AT&T Business Network. URL: This site is ? Submitted By: Mike Spataro Recreation and Sports Masters Swimming Canada Official website This is the first official national website for any Masters swimming country in the world. The site contains a wealth of information for Masters swimmers (age 19 and over) of any age. URL: This site is was designed with tables and frames which eliminated nearly 50% of all people from viewing this site. Submitted By: David J. Tree Fantasy Sports Leagues Fantasy Sports Leagues provides many different fantasy leauges for various sports. The best thing about all of them is that they are all free. The only requirement is that you have an E-mail address and invest time in your team(s). FSL even has it's own NewsLetter which updates it's subscribers of current league standings, upcomming leauges, free advertising for subscribers and other sports features. This service is run by one person so you can expect a personal, yet speedy response. Sports supported: NFL, NHL, NBA, NASCAR, CART. Comming soon: PGA URL: This site is contains formatting that does not interfere with browsing of the site. Submitted By: Andrew Connell Reference Libraries and Indexes switchboard This page offers a telephone number & home mailing address of anyone in the country with a listed phone number. It is very easy to use and has a very fast search engine. I you desire you can add your e-mail address to your listing. URL: This site is ? Submitted By: Cliff Tesone _________________________________________________________________ Weekly Bookmark Information The Weekly Bookmark Hompage: The Weekly Bookmark Archives: The Weekly Bookmark Index: Subscribe/Unsubscribe via WWW form: Subscribe/Unsubscribe via E-mail: Include ONLY the following in the BODY Subscribe WeeklyB or Unsubscribe WeeklyB. Submit a Site: Send Feedback: _________________________________________________________________ Meet The Staff Editor - Matt Alberts Assistant Editor - Holly Drake Webmaster - Matt Alberts Writer Marian Hank Submitters Ted Nellen Marian Hank Want to help? Read our Help Wanted section. _________________________________________________________________ (C) Copyright 1996 by Matt Alberts - All Right Reserved Comments? Ideas? Send mail to